Friday, March 02, 2012

Get Deliciously Satisfied

Have you ever had a random question about Delicious Library? Or encountered a problem that you weren't sure how to fix, but were sure that other users must be going through the same thing? Have you come up with a great feature idea or a way we could make an existing feature even cooler? Maybe you've just had a great experience and want to share your love for Delicious Library with the world. All of these things are possible (and easy) on our forum!

You may be thinking, "I don't know, I've looked at the forum and it looks like a whole lot of questions and not many answers. Does anyone even check it?" The answer to all that is that yes! The forums are moderated directly by Delicious Monsters with help from some superstar users. Most questions are answered within a day or two.

The forum is a great way to ask a broad question and get answers back from multiple users. A good example of this is if you have a bluetooth scanner and you're not sure it will work with Delicious Library – you can search existing threads by the scanner name or you could post a new question asking if other users have had success getting it to work. Our support team is small (there are only four people who work at Delicious Monster!) so we think the idea of being able to reach out to a larger community is really helpful for everyone.

Like any public place, please do your part to keep things clean. Before posting a new thread, try doing a quick search to see if an answer is already there. If you do post something new, please pick the appropriate category (question, feature request, problem, or praise).

Ready to get started? Check out our user-built community here